M. P. Möller, Opus 8834 (1955)
Choir Division (1980) M. P. Möller
Chancel Organ, Opus M-6453 and Pedal Reed Unit (1991) M. P. Möller
Total Pipes = 2221

History of the Old Dutch Church, Kingston, NY

Source: Maida Blankschen

(9 ranks) (549 pipes)
8' Diapason 61 pipes
8' Melodia 61 pipes
8' Dulciana 61 pipes
4' Octave 61 pipes
4' Chimney Flute 61 pipes
2' Super Octave 61 pipes
Fourniture III 183 pipes
Trumpet (1991) 61 notes
(From Pedal Trumpet)
Great 16
Unison Off
Great 4

(10 Ranks) (706 pipes)
16' Bourdon (Unit) 97 pipes
8' Diapason 73 pipes
8' Rohrflote 73 notes
(From Bourdon)
8' Salicional 73 pipes
8' Voix Celeste T. C. 61 pipes
4' Spitz Principal 73 pipes
4' Flute d'Amour 73 notes
(From Bourdon)
2 2/31 Rohnazard 61 notes
(From Bourdon)
2' Flautino 61 notes
(From Bourdon)
Cymbal III 183 pipes
8' Trompette 73 pipes
4' Oboe Clarion 73 pipes
Swell 16
Unison Off
Swell 4

(8 Ranks) (464 pipes)
8' Holz Gedeckt 61 pipes
4' Spitzflote 61 pipes
2' Principal 61 pipes
1 1/3' Quint 61 pipes
Zimbel II-III 159 pipes
8' Krummhorn 61 pipes
Choir 16
Unison Off
Choir 4

Opus M-6453
(5 Ranks) (305 pipes)
8' Principal 61 pipes
8' String Celeste 110 pipes
8' Gedeckt 61 pipes
4' Octave 12 pipes
(From Principal)
8' Trompette 61 pipes
Harp (1927) 49 bars
(Hall Organ Co., West Haven, CT)
Chimes (1927) 21 tubes
(1991) (new electric action)

(3 Ranks) (197 pipes)
16' Contrebasse 56 pipes
16' Bourdon 56 pipes
16' Gedeckt 32 notes
(From Swell Bourdon)
16' Echo Bass Gedeckt 12 pipes
(1991) (From Chancel Gedeckt)
8' Principal 32 notes
(From Contrebass)
8" Gedeckt 32 notes
(From Bourdon)
8' Rohrflote 32 notes
(From Swell Bourdon)
4' Choral Bass 32 notes
(From Contrebass)
4' Flute 32 notes
(From Bourdon)
16' Trombone (1991) 12 pipes
8' Trumpet (1991) 61 pipes
4' Clarion (1991) 32 notes

Great to Pedal 8, 4
Swell to Pedal 8,4
Choir to Pedal 8
Choir to Great 16,8,4
Swell to Great 16,8,4
Swell to Choir 16,8,4

6 General Pistons (Manual and Toe Studs)
6 Divisional Pistons each for the Swell, Great & Choir Divisions
G/P and S/P Reversibles
Pedal On-Off Comb. (Swell, Great, and Choir)
Chancel Organ Tremolo (Thumb)
Chimes (Toe Stud) SFZ (Thumb and Toe)
Swell Shoe for Chancel Organ
Swell Shoe for Swell Division
Crescendo Shoe for Chancel Organ
Crescendo Shoe for Great Organ


1891-1944 Mr. W. Whiting Fredenburg
1944-1949 Mrs. Edna Rignall
1947-1950 Miss Caroline Little*
1949-1954 Mr. Donald Romme
1950-1953 Mr. Howard Houghtaling*
1953-1954 Mrs. Niles Bailey*
1954-1955 Miss Lucinda Merritt
1955-1957 Mrs. C. E. Beehler
1959-1959 Mr. Gilbert A. Cicio
1959-1961 Mr. Gerald Anderson
1961-1962 Miss Gloria Jean Smith
* Assistant Organist
1962-1965 Mr. Albert J. Zabel
1965-1967 Mr. Gordon T. Bush
1968-1972 Miss Lucinda Jones
1972-1974 Mr. Dale H. Deschler
1974-1975 Mr. David Anker
1975-1978 Mr. Terry E. Earles
1978-1979 Mr. Dale H. Deschler
1979-1980 Mr. Robert H. Gangewere
1980-1981 Mr. Peter Kachigian
1981-1984 Mr. Jimrae Lenser
1984-1996 Mrs. Barbara Lottridge
1996- Mrs. Jean Hattersley

1852- Mr. Hiram R. Romeyn was elected chorister and organist. In 1859 he was reappointed.

1984- Mrs. Maida Blankschen serves as assistant organist.

History of the Old Dutch Church, Kingston, NY