Union Presbyterian Church
44 Balmville Road
Newburgh, NY

Click here for directions to the church

Kimball Organ Company (list prepared 10/00)

Source: Margaret Barton Small, Organist/Choir Director

8' Principal
8' Gedeckt
8' Aeoline
8' Trumpet
4" Clarion
4' Octave
2' Super Octave
III Mixture

16' Dulzian TC
8' Salicional
8' Voic Celeste TC
8' Stopped Diapason
8' Voc Humana
8' Dulzian
4' Principal
4' Salicet
4' Voix Celeste
4' Flute Harmonic
2-2/3' Nazard
2' Flute

8' Gemshorn
8' Holzgedeckt
4' Flute D'Amour
4' Gemshorn
2-2/3' Nassat
2' Flute
1-3/5' Terz
1-1/3' Larigot

16' Violone
16' Bourdon
16' Gedeckt
16' Trumpet
8' Principal
8' Gedeckt
5-1/3' Quint
4' Choral Bass
4' Oboe
II Mixture

The original organ consisting of 19 ranks of pipes was built by the Kimball Organ Company. The new tonal scheme combines the essential elements of the classic and romantic organs with three major functions: to lead the congregation in the liturgy and service of worship, to assist in the choral program of the church and to perform a wide range of organ literature.

In reality it is four organs in one: Great, Swell, Positiv, and Pedal, with a total of 28 ranks, 1,589 pipes.

Most of the speaking pipes are located high behind the original pipe facade, allowing ideal tonal egress into the church.

New chests of all electric design are controlled by a solid state relay and switching system, likewise the solid state combination action controls the movement of the stopknobs and stop tablets.