Vassar College Chapel
Poughkeepsie, NY
Four Manuals and Pedal
Gress-Miles 1967
Source: Joseph Bertolozzi - supplied 2002
SWELL (enclosed) |
16' Principal |
16' Rohr Bordun (ext) |
16' Quintaton |
8' Geigen Principal |
8' Principal |
8' Rohrfloete |
8' Bordun |
8' Traversfloete |
8' Violoncelle |
8' Viole de Gambe |
8' Harmonic Flute |
8' Viole Celeste |
4' Octave |
8' Dolce |
4' Koppelfloete |
8' Unda Maris (TC) |
3-1/5' Gross Terz |
4' Geigen Octave |
2-2/3' Nasat |
4' Traversfloete |
2' Superoctave |
4' Unda Maris II (ext) |
2' Waldfloete |
2-2/3 Nazard (TC) |
1-3/5' Terz |
2' Hohlfloete |
Rauschquint II-III |
1-3/5 Tierce (TC) |
Mixture V-VII |
1-1/3 Larigot (ext) |
Scharf III-V |
1' Siffloete (ext) |
16' Trumpet |
Plein Jeu V-VI |
8' Trumpet (ext) |
Carillon III-IV |
16' Trompette-a-Pavillon (TC) |
16' Bombarde (ext) |
8' Trompette-a-Pavillon |
8' Trompette |
4' Clairon-a-Pavillon (ext) |
8' Hautbois |
Tremulant |
8' Vox Humana |
Zimbelstern |
4' Clairon Harmonique |
Tremulant |
8' Principal |
8' Gedackt |
32' Subbass |
8' Spitzgamba (TC) |
16' Contrebasse |
8' Quintadena |
16' Principal (Great) |
4' Principal |
16' Violonbasse (ext Great) |
4' Spielfloete |
16' Subbass (ext) |
2' Octave |
16' Quintaton (Great) |
2' Spillpfeiffe (ext) |
16' Rohr Bordun (Swell) |
1-1/3 Quint |
10-2/3 Quintfloete (Swell) |
Sesquialtera II |
8' Principal |
Mixture IV-VI |
8' Gedeckt |
Scharf III-IV |
8' Rohrfloete (Swell) |
16' Dulzian (ext) |
4' Octave |
8' Trumpet |
4' Nachthorn (ext) |
8' Dulzian |
2' Nachthorn (ext) |
4' Clarion (ext) |
Rauschquint II |
Tremulant |
Mixture VI |
32' Contre Bombarde |
BRUSTWERK (enclosed) |
16' Bombarde (ext) |
8' Holzgedeckt |
16' Posaune (ext Great) |
8' Spitzfloete |
16' Contre Trompette (Swell) |
8' Flute Celeste (TC) |
8' Trumpet (ext) |
4' Principal |
4' Clarion (ext) |
4' Rohrfloete |
4' Singend Regal (Brustwerk) |
2-2/3 Spitzquint (TC) |
2' Cornett (ext) |
2' Principal |
8' Trompette-a-Pavillon (Great) |
1-1/3 Nasat |
4' Clairon-a-Pavillon (Great) |
1' Octave (ext) |
Tertian II (TC) |
Zimbel III-V |
8' Singend Regal |
8' Trompette-a-Pavillon (Great) |
Tremulant |
Donald M. Pearson, College Organist from 1946-1982, drew up the specifications for the 1967 Gress-Miles instrument and played its dedication recital November 8, 1967. There are a total of 5,710 pipes, 99 stops and 106 ranks. The action is direct electric. The wood-carved facade was designed by the architects of the chapel, Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, of Boston, for the chapel's first organ, a 1904 Hutchings-Votey. The chapel's acoustics were also improved in the 1960's b the addition of a 1-1/2 inch thick hard Australian oak ceiling to the building.