First Presbyterian Church
Amenia, NY

Jardine & Son, c. 1865
Altered by John J. Smith & Son, 1928

Two Manuals and Pedal

Source: Program: "Historic Organs of Amenia, New York - An Historical Organ Recital" - The Organ Historical Society, Inc. - October 10, 1982
Supplied by Joseph Bertolozzi, 2002



8' Open Diapason

8' Open Diapason (TC)

8' Melodius Flute (TC)

8' Clarinet Flute (TC)

8' Keraulophon (TC)

8' Clariana (TC)

8' Diapason Bass (CC-BB)

8' Diapason Bass (CC-BB)

4' Principal

4' Violino

3' Twelfth

2' Piccolo

2' Flageolet

8' Trumpet (TC)




    Swell to Great

16' Bourdon

    Great to Pedal


    Swell to Pedal

    Balanced Swell Pedal


This organ appears on the list in the descriptive circular and price list published by Geo. Jardine & Son in 1869. Several details suggest it was built a few years earlier, although it is normally dated to c. 1868.

The alterations by Smith included a new 32-note AGO pedalboard, relation of the swell pedal, and new stop knob faces. The pedal couplers and the pedal Bourdon retain their original 32-note compasses. The stops apparently retain the original stop nomenclature and have no pitch lengths except for the pedal Bourdon.

The keydesk projects and has two 56-note manuals, with the Swell overhanging the Great. The round, bevel-faces stopknobs are in terraced jambs. The Swell to Great coupler is activated by on/off pistons in the Swell keyslip. The keycheeks have the typical profile characteristic of later Jardine organs.

The façade pipes have the characteristic "Jardine bulge" near the top. They have been repainted, covering the original stenciling. The façade pipes contain basses from the Great Open Diapason and dummies.