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Central Hudson Valley Chapter, AGO

COVID-19 Information

A Review of COVID Guidelines by Denomination

Compiled by Susan LaGrande with contributions from several members
New York State Guidelines

American Baptist Churches USA
This letter, dated April 2020, simply says, "Worship services should not be held in person. Services should be held by Facebook, streaming, and video conference." I can find no more recent guidance.

The National Baptist Convention, USA, Inc. provides a direct link to the CDC page for Community and Faith-Based Organizations, but nothing further on their own page.

Episcopal Church
This is a completely separate web site dedicated to COVID-19 Information and Resources. In contrast to some denominational guidelines, all articles on this web site are clearly dated. Resources listed include reopening information, financial guidance and assistance, and lots of links.

LCMS (Lutheran Church, Missouri Synod)
This letter, "Communion and Covid-19," is dated March 20, 2020. It deals primarily with theological implications of attempts to provide communion when the congregation is unable to assemble as a group. It does not address issues of social distancing, singing, mask use, etc. as cancellation of services seems to be assumed. I can find no current updates as to when and how congregations may worship together in person.

Lutheran church (E.L.C.A.)
These are the documents used by St. John’s Lutheran in Poughkeepsie, in addition to the state document for religious institutions.  

Presbyterian Church (USA)

This web page is a simple and well-organized list of links to resources, each of which is dated.

Reformed Church and UCC guidelines: (updated 9/18/2020)

This is a compilation of articles offering practical advice on everything from guidelines for worship services to handling financial difficulties arising from the pandemic. Very well organized and easy to follow. Lots of links.

Roman Catholic (Archdiocese of New York)
This article, dated May 22, 2020, outlines a five-phase plan to reopen churches, which until that date had remained closed since March. The fifth phase allows “Celebration of Sunday Mass with supervised attendance of approximately 25% of the church's permitted occupancy.”
This document, updated on August 25, 2020, is titled “FAQ and Addendum to Safe and Sound: Guidelines and Procedures for Holding On-site Parish Religious Education and Youth Ministry Programs”

As of May 10, 2020, Catholic Churches in the Archdiocese of New York were not permitted to hold in-person liturgies. As of June 14, 2020, Saint Kateri Tekakwitha Parish in Lagrangeville issued this statement: “We are emerging from the shutdown, some Sacraments are now available. Daily Mass is being celebrated, and soon so will Sunday Masses. Baptisms, weddings and funerals are also being offered. There are limitations and restrictions to all so please refer to the parish website or contact the office for details and information.” The following week Sunday Mass was resumed on a limited basis. By July 19, 2020 an additional Mass was added. By the following week, all regular Masses were resumed. However, Religious Instruction was still restricted. No mention in the parish bulletin at any time about social distancing or wearing masks. At the same time, the parish published an extensive list of “Mostly-Catholic Resources during COVID-19” which includes links to live-streamed Masses as well as audio and visual devotional aids.

United Methodist Church
This web site contains much less in the way of rules and restrictions than other demominational resources. Its aim seems to be to soothe and reassure rather than provide hard-and-fast guidelines, although there is a link to “Guidelines for Reopening” from the Middletown United Methodist Church in Louisville, KY, which is very similar to the guidelines provided by other denominations.

Vassar Temple
There does not seem too be much consensus among Jewish communities as to how to provide guidance relevant to the pandemic. Vassar Temple does provide a list of resources on its home page, but in much less detail than is noted in other denominations.

Website by Dan Long